Release Version # 1.8.1

Release Date Oct 1, 2008

Build #38

Bizmatics Inc®.

4020, Suite 115,

Moorpark Ave,

San Jose CA 95117

Phone: (408) 873 3031/32.  Fax: (408) 873 0304





















     Appointment Tab

Providers Button to display List of Providers and Resources.

Move the mouse over the Scheduled Time. If the Property Home Page > home.use.tooltip is set to Y a tool tip with Patient details is displayed. The Patient details in tool tip can be configured using the property Home page > home.appt.tooltip.patient and the one for Non patients using Home Page > home.appt.tooltip.others



     Open Enc Tab

Providers Button to display List of Providers and Resources.


User can mark an Appointment as Arrived, even if it was scheduled for a Resource. The corresponding Appointment is started with the Attending Doc as Resource. If a Provider clicks on the Patient Name hyperlink on Home page (where the encounter is started), then the Encounter and Appointment Doc is changed from Resource to the Provider.


Appointment > Schedule


     Appointment Overload

If the Overload is checked, a user could overload any number of Appointments in a slot. Now a property Appointment Scheduling > appointments.overload.perslot defines the Max No of Appointments in a slot (of 15 minutes) for a Doctor. If this is set to 0, there is No constraint.


     Appointment Reminders

The property Appointment Scheduling > appointment.reminder.2doc can be set to Y, if the Doctor expects an Urgent Message before the scheduled time of the Appointment. It will generate a message for Appointments which are due in the Next few minutes on refresh of a page. The minutes being same as for refresh of urgent message property namely Mail Related Parameters > mail.urgentmessage.refresh_min. 


     Appointment History

DAS_BOOKED_BY was set to Medic Id instead of Login Id when Appt was taken from Start encounter. As such display in History was wrong. Fixed.


     Doctors Alternate Id


      DAS_DOC_ALT_ID             DOM_ID         Doctors Alternate Id in PMS


Many PMS programs maintain multiple Ids for a Provider for the purposes of Appointment scheduling. When Appointments are imported in Prognocis, they come in as a Single mapped Provider id. When the Charge is Exported, it can go out for the Single Provider Id in Prognocis. However many a times, users need the same Id used in their Appointment.


On importing Appointments, the incoming Provider Id is maintained in the new Alternate Doc Id field.


New Charge Export property in file

hl7.export.charge.useapptaltdocid If this is set to Y, the Alternate Doc Id send in the encounter Appointment is exported back in the pv1 segment


Resource Scheduling

Appointments need to be scheduled for other than Doctor. It can be an equipment like CT Scan Or USG. In cases where there are multiple specialty Doctors, appointments can be for a type like Injury, Immunization etc. All Doctors will see all the scheduled patients and when one of the Doctor clicks on the appointment patient name to go to the encounter, the Attending Doctor will change.


To provide this feature action needs to be taken at multiple places.

a)     Settings > Configuration > Medics > Resources is a new menu option to define all Resources.

b)     Appointments > Work Pattern option allows user to define the Work pattern for Resources too besides the Doctors.

c)      Appointment Schedule screen Doctors List box and All Docs Radio button, provide for a combined list of Doctors and Resources. Appointments can be taken for any one of them.

d)     The same consideration is also available for Block time, Appointment Confirm Pop up, and the Advanced Search link in Appointment Confirm Pop up.


User can mark an Appointment as Arrived, even if it was scheduled for a Resource. The corresponding Appointment is started with the Attending Doc as Resource. If a Provider clicks on the Patient Name hyperlink on Home page (where the encounter is started), then the Encounter and Appointment Doc is changed from Resource to the Provider.


Appointment > Work Pattern

As explained above, now a Work Pattern can be defined for Resources also, besides Doctors.


Appointment > Vacation

As explained above, now a Vacation can be defined for Resources also, besides Doctors.


Patient Registration

Patient Registration screen. Add Ref Doc.

If Medics >  refdoc.selection.listbox is set to N

      Three things are displayed on screen

            A search button is to select existing Ref. Docs,

            Clear  hyper link to clear the selection, and

            Add New hyper link to add a new Ref. Doc.


Billing Tab

Responsible Person will be a mandatory field.

As such Billing Tab is enabled for all cases.

If Billing module is switched ON the Patients Outstanding will be displayed.


Patient Insurance Screen

Displays Insurance Name and Address on Single Line


Insurance name can be Auto Completed OR selected using the Search Button. If a new Insurance company is typed in using the Auto complete feature, the user can click on the + button to add the Insurance company on the fly. However please note the subtle behavior. On auto complete the Insurance name and City is prompted, on Tab out from the field only the Insurance company name is displayed. If a name like Blue Cross is typed in and tabbed out and + button is clicked, the system tries to find insurance records starting with “Blue Cross “. Now there can be Blue Cross of San Francisco, Blue Cross  of San Jose etc. if the system find one or more match, it will NOT add the name. If No match is found, only then is the Insurance company added. An appropriate message both on success or failure is given.


Two new fields for Pre Authorization No and Valid upto date have been provided.  These get copied to Claims, based on the selected Insurance.


The Insurance Status also provides for Motor Accident, Personal Injury and Workers Compensation. If the Claim is of the corresponding types, it checks for appropriate Insurance Status.


Subscriber Employment Status was hard coded. Now it comes from the Group Master B1 Employment Status. User should ensure that names are not more than 10 characters. If the name is more than 10 Characters, the extra characters will be dropped while building the List Box.


Face Sheet

If count of PMH ailments + Pins + Notes exceeds 100 it would crash on Facesheet. Now it will display only 100 entries on Face sheet.


Face Sheet keywords added.

  • MED_STOP                          Stopped Medication by Date Desc
  • MED_PAST                          Distinct Drugs Prescribed in last 180 days
  • ROS                                        Review of System
  • ROS_ABN                             ROS Only Abnormal details
  • PHYSICAL                             Physical Exam
  • PHYSICAL_ABN                  Physical Only Abnormal details


Assessment screen

ENM check box is enabled, so that it can be deleted.

Corresponding fields in TRN_ENCOUNTERS are also reset.


Modifiers for HCPC.

Modifiers can be assigned to HCPC Code. The screens affected include:

a)     Assessment Screen

b)     The CPT/HCPC list definition in Settings > Configuration > Tests > Specialty > Template for Mandatory and optional Codes.

c)       Settings > Configuration > Tests for Specialty Tests, Lab tests, Radiology Tests.

d)     Encounter TOC > Specialty option Optional HCPC Codes button for selected template.

e)     Assessment Report Tags

f)        Charge Export Logic

g)     HL7 Charge Export Message

h)      Billing Claims Screen

i)        Fee Schedule

j)        Calc of Claims

k)      EDI 837




Past Rx Button displays a Pop up with two new columns for No of refills and Dispense Quantity. The column for Stoppage reason is dropped; instead the reason is displayed as a tool tip in the image of the crossed bottle. Note that if a medication is topped in the current encounter the reason is NOT displayed. The Past Rx screen displays the Drugs in Order of Rx Date in descending order by default.


On the main Rx screen table part, the Dosage column displays the Qty and name of Unit of measure


Earlier Dispense Qty was printed only if Drug Form was each, Not for Liquids and others. Now it is printed in all cases.

RX_SIG was printing Unit Code, now it prints the Unit of Measure name.

RX_SIG_DISPLAY will print proper Unit Name for Dosage as well as for Dispense Qty.


New tags added



The older tags too display the Unit name.


      DEA class 9 is ignored from Dea restriction check (e.g. Calcium)


      After a Prescription has been sent, the Select Flag is made Off.


Prescription Parameters > rx.inhouse.drugs.xml

If this is set to Y, on save of Prescription and Doc Form Accept an XML is generated for dispense from In House Drugs Store.


Prescription Parameters > rx.max.prescription.drugs=20

Max Drugs in a Prescription.


Edit Dosage

The Button is available for Prescription drugs (Not the ones entered from Current Medication) after they have been ordered.


This is required so that Provider can change the Dosage on the fly based on patient feedback.


Fields for Dosage Unit and Direction are now available.


Strength is available as a Label.

It is no longer mandatory to edit the Dosage.


Tags in Progress Notes

ENC_RX_STR, ENC_RX_TBL and their child tags print prescription drug details as per fields set in the property Prescription Parameters > rx.drugs.all.fields, rx.drugs.inhouse.fields and rx.drugs.sample.fields

4 new fields are supported

      Y          Bulk Unit

      Z          Direction

1          Sig Display old

      2          Sig Display with Direction


Refill Prescription

The position of Last Visit Date is changed.

A search button is provided, so that the Attending Doc automatically assigned can be changed.

On print / send of Refill we check if the Attending Doc has become Inactive.


Test Exec

Specialty and Clinic Forms

Preview procedure template report from Test Exec for the selected template. Earlier there was only a print button. Now the template can be viewed before printing.



It is now possible to have selective Procedures selected and displayed for an encounter, based on the Medic Type.


Property Specialty > specialty.classifications.DR

Define a comma separated list of Classification codes based on which the templates will be selected.

If this is kept blank, ALL templates are selected.


Similarly add

Specialty > specialty.classifications.MA

Specialty > specialty.classifications.RN

Specialty > specialty.classifications.ST

Specialty > specialty.classifications.BL




      Consider Templates 1,2,3 having Classification field set to MA

      Consider Templates 4,5,6 having Classification field set to RN

      Consider Templates 7,8 having Classification field NOT set.

Consider that properties are set as:

Specialty > specialty.classifications.DR=MA,RN

Specialty > specialty.classifications.MA=MA

Specialty > specialty.classifications.RN=RN

Specialty > specialty.classifications.ST=


If a Nurse (RN) Logs in, he/she will have access to templates 4,5,6

If a Medical Assistant (RN) Logs in, he/she will have access to templates 1,2,3

If a Doctor (DR) Logs in, he/she will have access to templates 1,2,3,4,5,6

If a Staff (ST) Logs in (assuming he has access), he/she will have access to All the templates 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8



Added a Keyword ENCDATE in formula, to consider Encounter Date

Can be typically used to compute elapsed days of injury, pregnancy etc as on encounter date. E.g. LMP – ENCDATE. (Here LMP is assumed to be a valid Test code)


New Tag in formula for PERCENTILE_BMI

This computes the percentile of computed BMI value for Patients Gender in the Age group 2 – 20 years.



Added a Tag ENC_TEST_GA$XXX to print Gestational Age in Weeks + Days. XXX is the Test Code based on which the Gestational Age will be computed and printed as on Encounter Date.  Test XXX must have Result type as Date.


Added a Tag ENC_TEST_TIMEDIFF$XXX User needs to specify two test codes separated by a comma after the $ sign. Both these Tests must be of the Result Type Fraction. User is expected to enter the Time as a fraction, with the part before the decimal indicating hours and the part after the decimal indicating minutes. It is assumed that user is sensible not to enter a time with the post decimal value > 59. This tag will return the time difference between the first and second, represented again as a decimal value with Hours and minutes.


Encounter Close

The property Encounter Close Checks > enc.close.checkifdone .has one more tag OPROC which checks for Open Procedures (i.e. Procedure Templates selected, but Detail Tests not selected) before encounter close.


An encounter cannot be closed if the Attending Doc is still a Resource, and has Not been changed to a regular Doctor.


Lab Order / Radiology Order

Following Tags which were hidden in earlier version, are once more enabled.

Earlier there used to be only One CPT Code associated with a Lab/Rad Order test. In subsequent version, we started supporting Multiple CPT/HCPC Codes with modifiers and Units, so the tag was no longer valid.  Now the tag will consider the first assigned CPT Code and print it.









Patient > Review >

Lab Matrix

Using the Equivalent Tests which can be defined for similar test, the results of such similar tests can be combined into single Test Rows in the Lab matrix.


Lab / Radiology Order List

The table displays Result Date instead of Sender Name.


Messages > Edit

Patient Messages can be edited on the screen invoked by double clicking on a specific message on the Review > Messages option.

Who can edit it: Sender and Any Provider

Subject can also be edited.

Date, Time and Mail to is that of the original message and cannot be edited.

For a message which is Not edited it displays the label “Add By” followed by the creator. After the message is edited, label changed to “Edited By” followed by name of editor and edited Date Time stamp.


From this screen there would be No response if user clicked on any TOC menu option. Problem is fixed.


Document List

User can define the types of documents which can be displayed here. A typical problem is that Special / Procedure Forms were displayed as part of the list, and the same form details can also be part of Progress notes for the encounter. This confused some users.


The required types are defined in Prognocis Parameters > review.doclist.types

Permitted Values are:

LRB          Lab Result Base

RRB          Rad Result Base

PMR         Patient Medical Records

LIA            Letter In Attach

LOB          Letter Out Base

PNB          Progress Notes Base

LDA          Legal Doc Attach

ODA         Other Doc Attach

OPA          Old Progress Notes Attach

ENC          Encounter Doc Attach

SFN          Clinic Form

SCN          Procedure Notes


The name of Doctor is displayed (in Lab Result / Rad Result)  as External if the Lab Order is External and it is NOT created from HL7 import.


Patient > Letters Out

The Document List displayed is same as in Review Document List.


A Reopen button is provided. This will be enabled when

      a) Logged in person has been assigned the role reopenletterout

      b) Status of Letter is Sent

      c) Property letters.edit.sent is set to N.

   This property will be removed shortly.


Patient > Clinic Forms

Many templates can be created and filled up under Patient Clinic Forms. These templates are related to the patient and not necessarily related to the encounter. These can be used to keep a lot of data related to Workers Comp. If a User needs to fill up such templates for multiple patients, user needs to select a patient, go to his encounter and then select Patient > Clinic Form option for each patient.


Now the Label Name, next to selected Patient on Clinic form is hyperlinked to show the search for Patients. (Search Button would have been more logical, but this had to be done because of real estate constraints) I have a client whoe does lot of workers comp stuff. We have created all templates under clinic form. So they go to pt-clinic form and select the pt.




Mail Parameters > mail.purge.type.days property can be set to comma separated values for different types of Mails.e.g

A5 indicates Purge Alert >= 5 days

N4 indicates Purge Notification >= 5 days

Like wise use T for Telephone, M for Normal Mails, D to To Do List.


Deletions are done on Login.


In Box

Click on From to Read the message.

If it is a To Do message both the Action and Duration in Days are displayed. Read message is now displayed with a Reply and a Forward Button.

Using the Forward message, user can send it to any one, along with his comments. If there are No comments, there won’t be a Name and Date Time stamp added. The Top Radio buttons for Normal / Urgent / Telephone will be same as that of original message and does not depend on the properties for the Sender. The To Do message Action and Duration in Days if present are sent in case of Forward, however they are NOT sent in case of reply.


Out Box

Click on From to Read the message it.

It is now displayed with a Forward Button.

Using the Forward message, user can send it to any one, along with his comments. If there are No comments, there won’t be a Name and Date Time stamp added. The Top Radio buttons for Normal / Urgent / Telephone will be same as that of original message and does not depend on the properties for the Sender.



The following properties are defined, to set a default Message type for each of the Medic type.

Mail Parameters > mail.type4DR=

Mail Parameters > mail.type4RN=

Mail Parameters > mail.type4MA=

Mail Parameters > mail.type4ST=

Mail Parameters > mail.type4BL=


Each can be set to N_normal, U_urgent, T_telephone.


Please Note that none of these defaults will be available for Admin, from Referring Doc portal and from Patient Portal.


Additionally for each of the medic types a default Action can also be defined. Mail Parameters > mail.action4DR=

Mail Parameters > mail.action4RN=

Mail Parameters > mail.action4MA=

Mail Parameters > mail.action4ST=

Mail Parameters > mail.action4BL=


Action by default is None. User can specify the action name if required.


Please note, these default settings are applicable only if the Message Compose option is invoked (NOT the compose from reply as a pop up)


The following properties are defined, to set a default Message type for each of the Medic type.

Mail Parameters > mail.add2pmr.checked4DR=

Mail Parameters > mail.add2pmr.checked4RN=

Mail Parameters > mail.add2pmr.checked4MA=

Mail Parameters > mail.add2pmr.checked4ST=




Ability to merge the documents into a single PDF document.

Many times the documents are received separately, but users will like to attach them together. Otherwise it unnecessarily increases the length of the documents in the attach center.


A Merge button is provided. User can check and select multiple documents and click on Merge. It will merge them into a single Pdf and delete the individual documents.


If No file is checked, it gives an error “Select file”.

If multiple files are selected, it checks if the extensions as per allowed extension defined in property PDF Parameters > pdf.merge.extns.


our Pdf Application use only these types of files



If they don’t match it gives an error “Only Files with specified extensions are supported

The merged Pdf file is created in the same folder where the selected files were present. The generated filename is of the type MergeYYYYMMDDHHMMSSssss.Pdf


Urgent Message Pop up

This comes up with Reply button. A property Mail Parameters > mail.urgent.msg.sound can be set to Y, to play a sound file whenever an Urgent Message Pops up.


Reports > Tabular

On selecting this option, it first displays the search to select report. Then the pop to fill in other details is displayed.


If the Column Title was wrongly set as with keyword as Time, it would crash in attempting to extract time part  from corresponding field. Fixed.


Settings > Processes > Appointment Mails

User can select specific Lab/Rad Tests (using the search Button now provided) to get list of Patients whose Health Maintenance Tests are Due.

Like wise he can select specific Vaccines (using the search Button now provided) to get a lists of Patients whose Vaccine Doses are Due.

e-Mails will be send to the patients.



Duplicate ICD code were accidentally allowed in the Optional ICD codes selection. Now duplicate ICDs with same IDs are not allowed. Note that there can be Duplicate ICD Codes, if such duplicates have been defined in the ICD Master.


Provider Master

A new field DPS# - Department of Public Safety registration number can be defined for Providers.


Correspondingly new Tags are provided for Encounter Reports: ENC_AD_DPS after ENC_AD_NPI







This is a new medic type, which is used for Scheduling Appointments (besides Providers). This option is available in menu after Providers (in EMR as well as in Billing).


Test Master

Special Text button is re-introduced to define Test Sentence Set for Boolean result Type.


Test Sentence has a new tag < REMARK2>

This prints the prefix “Remarks: “, before printing the remarks for the test.


If the following tags are used, it considers the value in the PTD_READING_DATE field






Lab and Rad Tests Only

A new line is displayed with label “Equivalent To:”

User can select using the search button any other Lab test which is equivalent. Clear hyperlink clears the selection. If there are more than one Labs, each is likely to have a different Tests Code and Name populated automatically from HL7Lab Result Import. This creates a situation where there are two different Tests Codes and Ids for say CBC, RBC, WBC as such they appear as two different rows in the Review > Lab Matrix. Now, with the equivalent concept, this problem will be resolved.


Default value of TST_BASE_ID will be TST_ID (and on clear)

On selection it will have selected TST_ID. The search includes Tests where TST_BASE_ID = TST_ID


Test Template

For Specialty and Clinic Form templates, a “Clear” link is provided after the print template selection button. This clears the assigned print template.


HM result Vs Lab Result HL7

The connection between Lab Results and the Heath Maintenance (HM) test’s done date is established completely.


The Order No and Order Date in HM when the Lab Order is send.

The Done Date on Lab Result Updates the HM records with the Order No set on Lab Order send. 


This had a problem with InHouse Lab, because it is not necessary to send it.

(Unlike other Lab Order, Results can be entered for InHouse Orders without Sending it). There was a problem with Lab Orders Results received in HL7 for which Ordering was done manually. Both these cases have been fixed.


So now we deal with what happens in these scenarios:

a)     Enter / Edit Lab Results for Order generated from Prognocis.

b)     Enter / Edit Lab Results for Inhouse Order generated from Prognocis.

c)      Enter / Edit Lab Results for New External Result.

d)     Lab Order Attachment from Attach Center

e)     New Lab Order Attachment from Attach Center

f)        HL7 Lab Result Import – Existing Order. Note user cannot import results for InHouse Lab if status is NOT Ordered.

g)     HL7 Lab Result Import – New Order

h)      HL7 Lab Result Import – Result Status is Not Final



In case of External Added Lab Results, Status is set to R or C depending on property hl7.status.complete. It was handled for existing Orders.



Home Page

Move the mouse over the Scheduled Time. If the Property Home Page > home.use.tooltip is set to Y a tool tip with Patient details is displayed. The Patient details in tool tip can be configured using the property Home page > home.appt.tooltip.patient and the one for Non patients using Home Page > home.appt.tooltip.others



Encounter CoPay

All amounts are right justified.


Claims > Edit

Height of ICD Box reduced.


Visit Location List Box is available. The location is set by default to Appointment Location. Pl note that this is a list of all Locations Active as well as Inactive. User / Biller can change the Location. This location details get printed in Cell 32 of CMS 1500 form.


Preauthorization Number entered in Patient Insurance is copied to the Claim, when it is generated, provided the Valid Upto Date is greater than or equal to Encounter Date. This field is editable on this screen. The changes if made do not reflect back in the Patient Insurance Master.


A notes button is provided to enter details to be printed in Cell 19 Local Use.

Corresponding Tag which can be used in CMS 1500 form printing is BLH_CELL19__LOCALUSE


The Insurance Status also provides for Motor Accident, Personal Injury and Workers Compensation. If the Claim is of the corresponding types, it checks for appropriate Insurance Status.


The change sequence Button like on Assessment ICD Tab, is available to Move up / down Charge codes sequence on the claim.


Click on the Paper Forms Flag button on each Charge Row. It now has a field to define the Patient Discount for that charge. Note that this field will be available only if there is Patient Amount on the charge line and that the discount amount cannot be grater that amount charged to the patient. On Posting this claim, an adjustment voucher is created to set off discount amount against billed charge amount. The same changes are reflected in the Patient Statement too.


On Reopen of Claim, Encounter Bill status was Not getting reset. Fixed.


 A button is displayed after the “Auto Accident “ label. It is enabled only in case of Workers Comp / Auto Accident / Other Accident. Clicking on the Button, displays a Pop up to select

      Attorney1:       Name,  A search Button and Clear Hyperlink.

      Attorney2:       Name,  A search Button and Clear Hyperlink.

      Insurance Adjuster1: Name,  A search Button and Clear Hyperlink

corresponding to Primary / Secondary insurance.

      Insurance Adjuster2: Name,  A search Button and Clear Hyperlink

corresponding to Primary / Secondary insurance.

User will be able to open the Pop up, but NOT edit the details for Billed Claims.


Business unit list box is provided in the Bottom row. For various considerations Providers at a clinic might need to Bill the visit under separate Corporations / Entities / Business Units. There is a provision to define such Business Units under Settings > configuration. Note that the Business unit List box is displayed Only if there are more than One Business Units defined. There are No Tags for Business units to be used in CMS 1500. However  a tabular report can be generated using the assigned Business unit.


Calculation Based on

Property Billing > billing.schedule.rule=ABCD

A Insurance Master

Program checks if the Not Attached Checked Box is checked in Insurance Master. If so it will use the Fee Schedule and Percentage defined in the Insurance Master for Billing. If the flag was NOT checked, then the program will evaluate the next option as per rule.

B Insurance – Doc Master

 Some Insurance companies provide special Billing rates for certain Providers. The program will check if there is any Fee Schedule and percentage defined for Insurance and Encounter Attending Provider combination from Settings > Medics > Provider screen using the Insurance Allowable Schedule Button. If such a combination is Not found, then the program will evaluate the next option as per rule.

C Provider specific Fee Schedule

The program will refer to the Billable Schedule on Settings > Medics > Provider screen. If the option selected is Default, then the program will evaluate the next option as per rule.


Make sure that this is the last option in the rule. Unlike other options, there is No question of this not being available. This is the Usual and Customary Schedule and ideally All Billing Must be done, as per this schedule. Generating Claims with different rates on a variety of conditions is unnatural and confusing for an average user. While the Claim can be generated at a standard U&C rate, the Insurance companies will always pay as per their contracted schedule, it is not necessarily mandated by them, that the claim have a rate they desire.


Having said this, the fact is that many customers have a genuine need to handle exceptions and this get provided for by using the rules explained. Please note that the property value is logical and does Not need to be changed by the user (unless he is sure he does Not need A, B or C conditions).



On re-calc BLH_INS_SEQN was not set. So on ERA post to generate I2 it used to crash. Fixed.


Validation on save

If Claim is of the type Worker Comp , Auto/Motor Accident, Or Other/Personal Accident then the selected Primary / Secondary Insurance Must be of corresponding type.


Likewise if the Claim type is NOT Worker Comp , Auto/Motor Accident, Or Other/Personal Accident, then the selected Primary / Secondary Insurance Cannot be of the above types.


On Reopen of Claim, Encounter Bill status was Not getting reset. Fixed.


On creation of Claim, the Name for the codes must be set in the Billing Details Table.



When multiple claims are printed, the claims for the same patient, provider are merged and printed as a single Claim CMS 1500 form. With the new property Billing > billing.cmsperclaim, if it is set to Y, each claim is printed separately.


Claims > New :

            Location List Box will have Clinic by default.

On Start Enc it is blank, because the location is identified based on Date, time and Work Pattern. But since this is typically NOT online, one cannot make any assumptions about time and hence about the location.


Claims > Ready to Send

Check Patient Invoice Printing along with Discount Amount and Visit Adjustment amount.


Hide check Box (like in Patient Invoice) is also available on the PriCMS and SecCMS Tabs.


Claims > Unpaid

Title changed from Unpaid Claims (No Remittance/Receipts) to

Unpaid Claims.


This option now displays Claims which are Fully Or Partially Unpaid.

As such it also displays a Balance Column.

Please Note fully paid Claims will Not be included here.


Since this is likely to have too many rows, a filter is also provided.

Filter By







Remittance > Entry


Reopen of Remittance is provided. A Remittance when posted, can create a Claim for CoInsurance and a Bill for Patient. If no further transaction (receipt / adjustment) is made against them, then it can be reopened. Any user who has Delete rights And is assigned the reopenclaim role can reopen a Remittance.



Please Note that the CoInsurance column was disabled, if the Claim did not have a Secondary insurance selected. Now this field is Always enabled. Insurance companies mention some CoIns Amt. If the Patient had a secondary Insurance, this can be Billed to them, and if the Patient did Not have a secondary Insurance it becomes his Responsibility. Accordingly when the Invoice is generated for Patient Responsibility, this coins Amt is included / excluded depending on Secondary Insurance Company if it was selected or not in the Claim.


Remittance > UnAllocated

Hyperlink on Doc No goes to Remittance screen


Remittance > Processed

Hyperlink on Doc No goes to Remittance screen


Remittance > Denied

This is used to consider Charges flagged as Denied / Pending in Remittance. Earlier on invoking the Action button one could select the Rebill option. However it would generate a Claim with the single Charge Only and send the CMS 1500 Or Edit for the single entry. Now a Process Button is provided. All selected actions are executed on clicking the Process button. The Button makes an additional consideration of the Charges from the same Remittance pertaining to the same claim and clubs such entries into a single Claim generated for the purpose of Rebill.


Remittance > Patient Receipts

Reopen functionality provided.


Remittance > Insurance WriteOff  

Reopen functionality provided


Remittance > Patient WriteOff  

Reopen functionality provided


Reports > Statement

The Statement can print Charge Details if the property

Billing > statement.receipt.details is set to Y.

It also print receipt details like Check #.


Patient Statement

This prints the Encounter CoPay collected, even if Claim is NOT raised.

ERA/ Pat Receipt Doc no are also printed on the statement.


Display Multiple names without carrot.


Statement template now has considerations of Discount Amount.

Insurance Statement

One more Radio button is added to select Insurance wise statement.

A search button is provided to select Multiple Insurance Cos.


Insurance Statement templates need Subtype to be STINS.


Reports > Tabular

SQLs for some reports have become shorter and simpler.


Reports > Ledger

Ledger now has considerations of Discount Amount. It also prints details of EOB like Cheque No.


Settings > Configuration

Business unit

For various considerations Providers at a clinic might need to Bill the visit under separate Corporations / Entities / Business Units. The required Business Units can be defined under this option. Typically there will be only one Business Unit for a Clinic.



EDI messages need a EDI Filing Indicator Code to be submitted, which is Insurance Company dependent. As such a new Group Type E1 is added with the following values preloaded.


Code Name

09        Self-pay

10        Central Certification

11        Other Non-Federal Programs

12        Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)

13        Point of Service (POS)

14        Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO)

15        Indemnity Insurance

16        Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Medicare Risk

AM      Automobile Medical

BL       Blue Cross/Blue Shield

CH      Champus

CI        Commercial Insurance Co.

DS      Disability

HM      Health Maintenance Organization

LI         Liability

LM       Liability Medical

MB      Medicare Part B

MC      Medicaid

OF       Other Federal Program

TV       Title V

VA       Veteran Administration Plan

WC     Workers' Compensation Health Claim

ZZ        Mutually Defined


In Edi837, for 2000B SBR segment field No 9, program picks up the code from Insurance Master. If the Code read is Blank Or Null,  the program gets it from Edi Partners table.



User can create and maintain a list of Attorney Firms, contact person and address. These are typically used in case of Workers Comp / Accident cases.


Insurance Adjuster

User can create and maintain a list of Adjuster for a selected Insurance company, and his address. These are typically used in case of Workers Comp / Accident cases.


Fee Schedule

The code Type List Box is extended with the following options:

CPT                      Lists all CPT Codes

HCPC                   Lists all HCPC Codes

SuperBill CPT     Lists all CPT Codes which have a Rate defined.

SuperBill HCPC  Lists all HCPC Codes which have a Rate defined.

Pref CPT              List all Clinic Preferred CPT Codes

Pref HCPC          List all Clinic Preferred HCPC Codes


Resend Claim Tracking

The system, now maintains a copy of the earlier send Claim / Edi when ever it is resend. If necessary it is possible to generate a tabular with details of Dates and Charges in all versions send.


Doctor Forms

If the length of Multi Select / Sing le Select List Box options was more than 255, the form would crash on design. Limit raised to 1024 to be in sync with Test Master.



Lab Parameters > labih.from.docform.mailto

For message for Order In House Lab


ICDs also support a dependable field for Side.

This can be set to

N                     None

L                      Left

R                     Right

B                     Both


Set TEI_NLRB to 0/1/2/3 from Back end.

Affects the following tags























Some forms are designed for a specific complaint.

A new Search is provided for invoking Complaint Id specific ICD Codes.

CMPICD:99 where 99 is the Complaint Id.


A process added “PROC” to send mails to a specific role, for all Specialty Procedures Ordered. Property  Doc Forms > proc.from.docform.mailto


A Button added to display All Specialty Procedure Notes Template output.


Reset Button click prompts for Confirmation



Upgrade to B38 Process

This sets the Charge Code Names in all Billing Detail records.

Adds rights for new menu options.


resendEdi Process

This takes two parameters besides Poolname and Process Id

Parameter 1: Carrot separated Visit Ids

Parameter 2: Insurance Transaction Type I1 or I2.

Based on these two parameters, it regenerates the Edi messages.



This takes three parameters besides Poolname and Process Id

Parameter 1: From Encounter Date

Parameter 2: UptoEncounter Date

Parameter 3: Y to consider all Encounters, N to consider Encounter with CPT Code.

Based on these parameters, it generates Claims for past encounters. Note it does not generate Claims for Encounters whose Billing Status is NOT 0, and it does not consider Dummy and Face Sheet encounters.